Sunday, December 14, 2014


A few years back, I was using the Google machine to look up images of my books or anthologies I have been in, mostly to get ahold of an editor here and ask him where my Italian copy of SPLATTERPUNKS or the Spanish PESADILLAS EN ELM STREET (you might figure that translation out on your own). Well, I happened to see a few images of Year's Best Horror in Dutch. DAW had published 22 volumes until the last editor, Karl Edward Wagner, died. I had stories in the final ten volumes.

I wrote to the individual on his blog, his name was Kees Buis. I thought he owned a bookstore, but the books were from his private collection. So we traded, and I sent him signed copies of my novel and one of my short story collection. He still stays in touch with me, our friendship goes back about seven years, and he keeps looking for the other editions.

If you are a fellow writer and are reading this, then you know how easily we get screwed when it comes to foreign editions. I never expect money, I just want copies.

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